Monday, August 6, 2012

My Apologies!

The original intent of this blog was to post weekly, but after starting the blog I was struck with a stark realization that I wouldn't be able to accomplish such a feat right away.

I have been caught in the midst of planning my wedding - naturally followed by participating in my own wedding - and now am caught in the whirlwind of packing for our honeymoon, rummaging through the ocean of gifts and cards, as well as preparing for my wife's (it's still weird to say that word) and my move to DeKalb, IL so I can start graduate school only a week after our return from our honeymoon!

Needless to say, I have been busy busy busy busy busy!  My ever-so-darling confidant and fashion partner in crime, Signe Savant, has graciously agreed to write a guest blog for me in my stead while I deal with the chaos that is the world of newlyweds.  Details about that post are still in the works, but trust me, I'll be back and in full-force soon!  I promise!

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