Monday, October 15, 2012

Men's Fashion Do's and Don'ts

This week, I wanted to focus on a few taboos of the men's fashion world.  I'll keep it short and to the point this week because school has me overwhelmed right now - hopefully next week will be a much beefier entry!

#1 - Matching Too Much

Do you find yourself with a the same pair of shoes in several colors?  Do you only wear a black shirt with black shoes?  Just because you have the same colors of items in your closet doesn't mean you should wear them at the same time.  Wearing colors that aren't identical is NOT a bad thing - actually it can be fun and eye-catching.  Try wearing complimentary colors (red/green, purple/yellow, blue/orange) and don't make yourself look like a human crayon!

#2 - Cloud of Cologne

Don't walk into a mist of cologne.  First, spraying cologne on your clothes can actually ruin them by staining them or weakening the fabric.  Instead, spray a small amount on pulse-points (your wrists or your artery on your neck).  These places will help a very subtle wave of your cologne enter the air around you every time your heart beats - leading to longer lasting cologne throughout the day.  If you want to impress that special someone on a date, try a very small dab of cologne behind your ears.  When she goes in for a kiss, the cologne will be just subtle enough to intrigue her.

#3 - Dryer Destruction

Dryers are convenient, that's for sure, but they slowly ruin the integrity of your clothing.  As a rule of thumb, ALL dress clothes should never see the inside of a dryer (dress shirts, dress pants, vests, and dress socks).  Additionally, jeans, sweaters, and button-down shirts should also avoid dryers.  What are you to do?  Hang dry them, they'll last longer and look better!

#4 - Skin-Tight Salame

The skinny jean fad came and went (thankfully!).  Not only do you look like a poorly dressed child in skinny jeans, but there are medical repercussions to wearing these things.  Your "guys" need room to breathe and regulate their own temperature.  Wearing skinny jeans keeps that area way too hot and causes not only a sweaty stank, but prolonged wear of tight jeans could make you infertile!

#5 - Mirror Mayhem

Mirrors are not just for women!  While you get ready check your hair, teeth, outfit, or whatever in the mirror.  There's nothing more embarrassing than noticing when you were shaving that you missed a few whiskers on your lip - let the Hitler jokes ensue!  Didn't shave?  Too bad you missed that spot of toothpaste in your beard!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Color Blocking - What the 80's SHOULD Have Looked Like!

Are you tired of looking like a penguin every time you dress in your formal attire?  Black shoes, black socks, black pants, white shirt, black tie, and a black coat?  Do you want to bring some color into your outfit, but don't quite know how to do it?  Well, you're in luck!  This week's topic will help you not only add color to your outfit, but will undoubtedly open your eyes to just how much color you can actually put into an outfit!

Color Blocking
First and foremost, what the hell is color blocking?  The easiest, but not necessarily best, way to describe color blocking is what SHOULD have happened to fashion in the 80's.  Let's forget about the many many mistakes made about hair (mullets and flat tops, anyone?) and focus on what the 80's did moderately well - they used color and lots of it!  The purest of the pure in color blocking avoid all patterns whatsoever and focus solely on solid contrasting colors!
What's wrong with this picture?  Well, there's TOO much color.  The human eye has no idea what to focus on, when to focus on it, and for how long - but if you look at this picture for longer than a split-second, your eye will be drawn to the solid purple scarf.  Why is that?  The mind perceives order among the chaos and clings to it desperately - there's calm within that sea of overwhelming color and your eyes/brain love it!  That's the principle of color blocking (without all of the useless and hideous eccentric color patterns seen on that model's coat).

Color blocking works off of the principle that your mind enjoys color combinations that it "knows" work.  Blue and orange, purple and yellow, black and white - just think back to 2nd grade color wheels in art class!  If your brain so readily enjoys those color combinations, what's not to say that your brain can't enjoy orange and yellow (as seen to the right), teal and neon green, or purple and blue?  Color blocking teases out combinations that don't seem to work at first glance, but really captivate an audience when the outfit has time to "sink in" to their glances.

A word of warning, though...SOME COMBINATIONS JUST DO NOT WORK WELL TOGETHER!  As a reference, I've included a color wheel to teach a very basic trick that will help broaden your color palette as you wander into the world of color blocking.  Don't be afraid to experiment with your own color combinations, but please PLEASE have the decency to realize when an outfit just does not work well together.  It's best if you have a significant other, best friend, well-trained pet, or someone to run new color blocks past - if none of those are available, you're going to have to get very comfortable being your own critic.

Color blocking is about contrast, not about subtleties and ideal combinations are made by pairing a chosen color with its opposite on the wheel (e.g. Yellow-Green pairs with Violet-Red).  To ensure that you maintain that POP in your outfit that you still want to bring attention to parts of your outfit such as a belt or shoes, make sure to stray away from pairing colors that share similar names - don't pair Orange-Yellow with Yellow-Green...instead try Orange-Yellow with a Blue-Green or Green.  That will get you to stray away from the go-to combinations of pure opposites and will help you find those uncommon fashion trends that you will soon be known for wearing!

I leave you with a few color blocking outfits that I've fallen for online!  Tune in next week for a beginning monthly segment (the 2nd week of every month) where I talk about some common fashion boo-boos that men make and how to fix/prevent them!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Fall Fashion - How to Layer Like a Boss

Fall is upon us and that means NEW CLOTHES!  Well, not necessarily a whole new wardrobe, but certainly new combinations and fun matches of what you already have!

For most, fall means sweaters, jackets, hats, and pants; for me, fall means layering!  Yes, all of those things mentioned before are included in layering, but just HOW you layer can make a world of difference between looking snazzy or looking like the state puff marshmallow.  This blog is meant to shed some light on how, exactly, you can look snazzy/chic - if you wish to look like the marshmallow, there is still hope for you, yet!

Autumn's Fashion-Forward Male
Cooler weather doesn't mean that you should have to suffer in comfort just to look great.  My personal fashion, more on the business end of fashion (ties, dress shirts, dress shoes, etc.) holds enough warmth in its own right, but how can we take that niche of attire to a higher, better, level?  With layers and accessories, of course!  Most men find comfort in "matching" grey with grey, black with black, white with...well, you get the idea.  I'm here to say that sometimes that is perfectly acceptable, but in playing that "matching" game, you NEED pops of color throughout your outfit (more on this next week).

My Layers
Here's a picture of me a few days ago before I went in for my clinical hours.  I want to talk about every aspect of this outfit when it comes to layering because every piece I am wearing serves a great role.

The peacoat is an American Rag flat black wool that not only keeps me quite warm, but provides a chic and finished appeal to my outfit.  The vest is a grey/white enmeshed fabric that looks grey from a distance but has tiny pips of white up close (my favorite).  The shirt is just a standard black dress shirt by Arrow.  Black, grey, black - BORING!  But when I add my neon green skinny tie by Geoffrey Beene, the outfit comes together.

I will say that most of my coats and vests are quite drab in color, when looked at by themselves, but my ties, dress shirts, and sweaters are all quite vibrant.  If you want to turn heads - and trust me, at those job interviews, dates, or family functions you do! - do not shy away from vibrant colors this fall.  Bright colors were in a few autumns ago and they're back with a fury this season!

When you layer clothing in your outfits, keep in mind that one combination of clothing looking great doesn't mean that's the ONLY combination you can make.  I'm a bit of a math geek, so say you have 3 shirts, 3 vests, 3 ties, and 2 cardigans.  The "best" outfit from this collection would naturally be the go-to, and would only result in 2-3 different outfits.  But if you are open to mixing-and-matching, you have the potential for 54 outfits!  That doesn't even take into account pants or shoes!

Cardigans are also fantastic means to layer, especially on those cool-but-not-quite-cold-enough-for-a-peacoat type days.  And no matter how many times I  hear it, cardigan sweaters DO NOT make you look like Mr. Rogers!  If you don't wish to have more than 1 or 2 cardigans in your collection, I would suggest sticking with neutral colors so that they can accompany every outfit you throw at them (grey, black, tan, and white are great choices).

Going Overboard
I cannot stress this enough, but you can have too many layers on at once.  My general rule of thumb is when I walk into a building after a walk in the brisk wind or chilly, foggy air of the autumn season, I should not have to remove more than one layer to be comfortable indoors.  If you are wearing a jacket/coat, cardigan, vest, shirt, and undershirt...let's just say you should revisit my comment about being a marshmallow at the beginning!  I live by the principle of "less is more" in all aspects of my life, especially fashion.  Embrace the inner fashion critique: if it feels like you're wearing too much, you probably are!

Next week, I'll be touching more on my brief outline of vibrant colors used to accent an outfit.  But for now, get out there and start turning some heads!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Denim Guide - Finding the Right Jeans for You

Well hello there, you manly men, you!  I'm Signe!  I write :The Daily Savant: blog and shall be filling in for Brian since he's off in Paradise being a husband and acting all grown up and moving and such!

Brian is literally the male version of myself, and we tend to share many of the same opinions where fashion is concerned.  We have even repeated the same photos of manly style in our respective blog posts!  I would like to corroborate that while yes, it is wonderful to be a man and to be able to roll out of bed, squish some gel through your hair (or not), shave (or not), and throw on the first thing you find on the floor that doesn't smell (or maybe still does smell), it is still incredibly important to be well-dressed.

If you are looking for ladies, I promise you that wearing clothes that fit, that give you confidence, and that look put together will land you with 10x the attention that you would have received had you just dragged yourself out of bed and thrown on yesterday's outfit.  Literally, nothing turns my head faster than a man who knows how to dress, which brings me to the topic of jeans.  Jeans were invented in 1873 by one Levi Strauss as a versatile, yet comfortable, manner of dress for cowboys and farmers and have since evolved into a staple of our everyday wardrobe.  I'm sure you are all aware that denim jeans may be worn casually or can be dressed up, but it does not appear that everyone is aware of how jeans should truly be worn.

Now, jeans are available for purchase in venues that run the gamut from Sam's Club to Yves Saint Laurent, and products purchased at any of these venues have their perks and pitfalls; however, it is essential when shopping for denim to avoid some of these looks that I snapped at Jazz in the Park in Milwaukee a few weekends ago.


The male derriere can be a truly wonderful thing.  Girls want to see it, but not because your pants are hanging so low that it is sticking out over the waist band so that your boxers hang out.  Save that for the bedroom.  And if you feel the need to wear jeans that are acid washed, stained, or pleated in any way, please wear them so that these modifications are in the anatomically correct positions.

Here is a quick guide for finding jeans that'll make the ladies swoon.

1) Figure out what size you actually are.  This may take a bit of trial and error.  When you go to buy a new pair of jeans, find a style you think you may like, grab a pair in the size that you think you are and then when you try them on size up or down accordingly.  If you are too lazy to go through the trouble of retrieving additional sizes yourself, you can always ask the shop associate or stylist to grab them for you.  Also, remember that when trying on jeans across brands, sizes may change, so be open to trying on more than one pair in the style you've selected.

2) Determine where you'll be wearing your jeans the most.  If you need something for casual Friday at the office, think about something that most closely mirrors your favourite suit pants (probably something fitted and darker wash).  If you want to upgrade your style for running errands on the weekend, a relaxed fit in a lighter wash may be better for you.

3)  Avoid artificial stains, washes, rips, tears, etc.  When Abercrombie&Fitch and Hollister were in their heyday, these tears and stains were hugely popular; however, now that that time has passed, those styles are dated.  Stick to simpler, more classic styles.  These will likely end up saving you money and the time it takes to shop for new jeans as they will stay in style longer than those distressed and acid washed styles.

4)  Consider the shoes that you will be wearing with your jeans.  If you are planning on wearing a pair of running shoes, skinny jeans are not going to work for you, so stick to a wider-legged athletic cut.  If you are planning on wearing a pair of alligator loafers, stick to a more tapered ankle.

5)  I have to say it: the crotch.  Now, I've said that girls love a good man booty, but just because we like to see the junk in the trunk it does not mean that we want to see everything you've got.  Some bodies are just not made for a skinny jean.  When trying on new denim, please remember to give yourself some room to breathe, and also consider what you'll be carrying in your pockets.  Try sticking your keys, wallet, and phone in the pockets of the jeans you are trying on to see how that changes the silhouette and styling of your new duds.

6)  Be a risk taker.  My boyfriend is in the military and essentially lives in uniform, but on his most recent trip home, he decided that he wanted to step up his style a bit.  At first, he was reluctant to try anything aside from the wide-legged, loose-fitting, light washed jeans that his mom bought for him in high school, but after the first pair of dark-wash semi-skinny fit jeans he tried on, he was hooked.  I forced him out of his comfort zone, which he resisted at first, but once he started to see how well the new skinnier fitting jeans fit and made his shape stand out, it became easier to determine size, style, and he was better able to start creating actual outfits.  Even after he bought the jeans, he was reluctant to wear them, but once I got him out of the house in them, he was complimented right away on how he looked and it was clear to see how confident that made him feel.

To get you started, here are some snaps of some jeans that embody all of my denim rules.  They are all from Nordstrom, are all reasonably priced, and I have tried to include a variety of different washes.

Boot Cut 

Relaxed Fit

Skinny Fit 

Slim Fit 

Straight Cut

Remember, you don't have to spend a ton of money to find a great pair of jeans, but please keep in mind that just because it is in the store, does not mean that it is in style.  Take the time to find something that fits, looks classic, and works with your shape.  I promise you won't be disappointed with the use of your time!

Monday, August 6, 2012

My Apologies!

The original intent of this blog was to post weekly, but after starting the blog I was struck with a stark realization that I wouldn't be able to accomplish such a feat right away.

I have been caught in the midst of planning my wedding - naturally followed by participating in my own wedding - and now am caught in the whirlwind of packing for our honeymoon, rummaging through the ocean of gifts and cards, as well as preparing for my wife's (it's still weird to say that word) and my move to DeKalb, IL so I can start graduate school only a week after our return from our honeymoon!

Needless to say, I have been busy busy busy busy busy!  My ever-so-darling confidant and fashion partner in crime, Signe Savant, has graciously agreed to write a guest blog for me in my stead while I deal with the chaos that is the world of newlyweds.  Details about that post are still in the works, but trust me, I'll be back and in full-force soon!  I promise!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Neck Wear - Ties, Bows, and Scarves...Oh, My!

Why is Neck Wear Important?

Welcome, welcome! This week we are going to talk about, arguably, the most necessary staple of men's accessories - neck wear. When I say neck wear, I don't mean ONLY neck ties. Neck wear encompasses neck ties, bow ties, ascots (also known as cravats), and scarves. Neck ties and bow ties are tried-and-true in the men's fashion world, especially the formal wear, but ascots and scarves have been lost to the sands of time, much to my dismay.
The versatility of neck wear is only limited by the designer's imagination of designs/patterns/colors as they create them. A man's ability to pair a tie in his collection with various ensembles even furthers the accessory's usefulness. Be it formal wear, casual attire, or a bold "look at my snazzy tie" type outfit, a man can turn a drab, colorless, lifeless outfit into a work of art with a magnificent choice of tie!

I hold a strong belief that every man, when he has managed to broaden his wardrobe through the years, should have AT A BARE MINIMUM at least one tie of every color of the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet are colors that can be used in an infinite amount of combinations with whatever suit(s) and dress shirt(s) one may own. If you only own one white dress shirt, and one black suit, changing the color of your tie from day to day can make your outfit look completely new (as long as you don't drip any ketchup on yourself during your lunch break)! 

Neck Ties

When shopping for a tie, it's important to ALWAYS keep in mind your personal style as well as what color shirts, suits, shoes, belts, or pocket squares you may own. Being able to remember all of those colors may be daunting, especially as your wardrobe grows, so a trick I like to use is to actually wear the shirt, suit, or accessory I am trying to match with my new purchase. A simple enough thing to do, but some often forget that shopping for clothes needn't be complicated or frustrating!

It's with neck wear that a man can add pizzazz, elegance, or a splash of color to any outfit. When perfected, choosing a neck tie or scarf, seems effortless and natural. "Oooh, this tie will go great with the shoes I just bought!"
All this talk about things to strap around your neck, but there's a big question that I haven't answered. How do you pick the RIGHT tie?

For the most part, neck ties are the only neck wear that varies in style - and even then it's a subtle but ever important difference. There's the "standard" tie that is about 3" (7.7cm) thick at it's widest point; then there is the slim/skinny/thin tie that measures in at about 1"-1.5" (2.5-3.8cm) wide at its widest point.

It's essential to know what tie looks best on your physique because a 1" skinny tie on a larger-framed man, just makes your frame look even larger. As a general rule of thumb, the shape of your tie should mimic the shape of your body. Slender men can more readily wear skinny ties than heavier set men, but the opposite is not true. Men of all shapes can wear the standard 3" tie and still look terrific.

Bow Ties

A bow tie comes with an outlandish and ridiculous stigma that all men who wear them are "nerds" or "eccentric" and looking for attention in all the wrong ways. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
Bow ties have a unique look among their neck wear colleagues and should be worn when you may want to add a pop of color to your outfit without drawing attention to ONLY the tie. Matching a bow tie with a great pocket square, watch, or snazzy new pair of glasses could make all the difference between looking like a computer nerd or a chic entrepreneur.

Scarves and Ascots

Scarves and ascots are near identical in use, but have a different look/appeal to them. Scarves are often used, and for good reason, during the chillier times of the year such as fall and winter seasons. Just like any other fall/winter garb, scarves aren't merely used to keep you warm (though important); they are a chance to make a fashion statement!

Add some color, add a pattern, or even add both! Keep your neck warm and your outfit looking even hotter! Keep in mind, though, that an ascot is almost always a silk garment that doesn't provide warmth, but rather gives the appeal of a scarf that you can use in warmer times of the year *cough* spring *cough*.

Wrap Up - (Pun Fully Intended)
A man's wardrobe defines who he is, how he views life, how he likes to be seen, and a million other attributes about his personality.  All too often, men rely solely on shirt, pant, and shoe choice (sometime the choice in shoes even escapes male thought) to define their image.  I implore men and women to join the campaign to help dress men for success!  Wrap a colorful length of fabric around their neck, tie it just right, and watch their confidence soar!  Below are some links that show various different ways to wear/tie neck wear.  I'd love to take the time to describe each knot, it's proper place of use and the like, but for you visual folk out there (like me), seeing diagrams is the way to go!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fashion for Men - An Introduction

The world of fashion has always been something embraced by women and loathed by men.  I'm here to try to change the notion that "fashion is gay" or that "fashion is for girls".  Every man, woman, and child should have the opportunity to look their best no matter the occasion!  The problem with such an ideal, however, is that men's fashion is so poorly supported in the United States, and arguably most of the world, that finding great outfits (let alone affordable ones) for men is daunting and near impossible.

My mission is to change this!

To an extent, it feels like men's fashion has never really taken hold in Western culture and in that realization, I weep!  Okay, not really...but it does sadden me to know that men's fashion has always been, and seems that it will remain for some time, an afterthought.  Women's fashion is so versatile, so robust, and so prominent in consumer-based societies that men wind up admiring the ensembles rather than creating them.

Of course, there are extremes and exceptions to every argument, so let's not argue over semantics, please!  The purpose of fashion is to have a functional, yet appealing, manner of dress that compliments one's body, personality, and statement.  The interest of men in fashion, however, is 9 times of 10 as an admirer not a creator.

I am here to attempt to turn that practice upside down and help men understand that the rules and tricks of fashion that women have utilized for generations can be applied to male fashion as well!  What truly makes an ensemble praise-worthy is attention to detail such as color or pattern scheme, use of appropriate accessories (or lack thereof), and the knowledge of what clothes compliment your physique!

Sadly, today I will not be providing any fascinating and mind-blowing tips, tricks, or tools but rather I wanted to get my page out there to draw some potential readers to help my blog grow to what it can become!